The captivating troubadour known as Beans on Toast embarks on a joyous musical escapade this Winter. Captivating hearts and minds with his tales of love, politics and the human experience, Beans is unafraid to challenge the status quo with his irreverent wit and soul-stirring lyricism.
Like a modern-day minstrel, Beans on Toast takes to the road on a captivating journey across towns and cities of the UK. His songs, the celebration of the human spirit and a call for unity resonate deeply in the hearts of listeners, leaving them inspired and moved. Inviting us to reflect, laugh and remember that amidst the chaos, there is still hope and beauty to be found.
Bassie Gracie + Tensheds
Bassie Gracie is a performance poet, serial bassist and mosh pit dweller. Known for her rhythmic rhyme schemes, feel good feminism and heavy bass frequencies. Most commonly found shoeless on the Monday morning of a festival telling a 70 year old man ‘punk was better in my day’. She’ll be telling some of her wonderful poems and also jumping up to play some bass during the Beans on Toast show.
Musical shapeshifter Tensheds brings his unique brand of gritty blues crashing into the 21st
Century with his audacious showmanship and Rachmaninoff style virtuosic piano skills.
Channelling the likes of Tom Waits, Nick Cave and Jack White, this award-winning, Classically
trained maestro, uses his undeniable skill to effortlessly weave between fuzzed-up garage blues and heart-wrenching ballads, taking the listener on a rock n roll rollercoaster. Tensheds is a longtime collaborator with Beans on Toast and will be jumping back up on stage to perform with him.